Caitlin Jewell
CSI - Equitable Preschool Education Opportunities
Talent - Lyrical Dance
Paris Gold
CSI - Be a U.N.I.C.O.R.N.
Talent - Dance / Vocal
Sherydan O'Neill
CSI - SherCares: Athletes and Mental Health
Talent - Contemporary Dance
Anna Thomas
CSI - It Girl
Talent - Her Story™
Ava Livingston
CSI - Sexual Trafficking
Talent - Pop Vocal
Caden Spruill-Davis
CSI - Feed to Fuel
Talent - Jazz Dance
Corrine Church
CSI - Hunger Hurts: Combatting Food Insecurity
Talent - Her Story™
Cassandra Hugh
CSI - Dreaming Differently: Celebrating Inclusivity
Talent - Baton
Taylor Warnke
CSI - Birthday Boxes
Talent - Jazz Dance
Ellen Smith
CSI - Love EveryBODY!
Talent - Lyrical Dance
Cassidy Lee
CSI - Crowns for Clefts
Talent - Musical Theatre Dance
Sia Nyandemoh
CSI - Arts for All Abilities
Talent - Jazz Dance
Emily Emanuel
CSI - Wish Upon a Star: Accessibility of Theatre Arts for All Children
Talent - Musical Theatre
CSI - Type 1-derful Dreams
Talent - Musical Theatre
Alyssa Julian
CSI - Kids on Call: Bringing
Hope into Hospitals
Talent - Jazz Dance
Ella Simpson
CSI - Healthy Minds, Healthy Futures
Talent - Musical Theatre
Genevieve Forster
CSI - Combating Social Isolation and Loneliness
Talent - Musical Theatre
Natalie Latorre
CSI - Stop Human Trafficking
Talent - Musical Theatre
Arayana Guest
CSI - Infant Prematurity and Prenatal Care
Talent - Lyrical Dance
Mary Ashton VanFossen
CSI - Go Red for Women
Talent - Musical Theatre
Montana Cochran
CSI - Hunger Relief
Talent - Musical Theatre Dance
Addyson Herrick
CSI - Addy Advocates:
Combating Cyber Bullying
Talent - Tap Dance